Double Gun Project – MAC SXS Shotgun – manufacture nat. d’armes de chat

One of my projects is this double 16 ga “MAC SXS Shotgun – manufacture nat. d’armes de chat” (C&R) action I bought a while ago. Stock and action is complete. No barrels, block, or forend. I found a good deal on a couple unfinished generic barrels a while back and put them in the safe…

Announcement! Public Meeting for new Solar Development!!

Announcement! Public Meeting for new Solar Development!! On Thursday, February 15, your voice is needed at a Bureau of Land Management meeting at the Yuma Public Library where the BLM will discuss a proposal for utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in Arizona. February 15, 2024, 5:00- 7:00 pm – Mountain Time Yuma Public…

President Proudly Supports Bill Reversing Presidents Own Unconstitutional Over Reach – WHAT?!

President Proudly Supports VETO PROOF BILL that reverses presidents own explicit overreach of power. “Bullshit. You just got overwhelmingly shot down, and now you want to try and take credit for doing the right thing after being forced to do the right thing against your will. ”|1

Re: Carry Across State Lines!! This was in the (Massachusetts State District Court), so it has no bearing anyplace other than Massachusetts.

VIDEO: Jarred tends to overstate the points, but this is interesting regarding the right to carry across state lines. This case is in regards to two states that DO NOT have reciprocity agreements. Massachusetts and New Hampshire. This was in the (State District Court), so it has no bearing anyplace other than Massachusetts. Yeah, I…