That’s Not the Name! That’s The Caliber!

I know of three revolvers that as near as I can tell the model name is also the caliber.

Dan Wesson 357 Magnum
Colt 357 Magnum (“I frame” if I recall is the first Colt model chambered in 357 magnum.  Yes, before the Trooper (Trooper existed in 38 special))
Astra 357 Magnum (Spanish made & reported to be an exact copy of a Smith and Wesson Model 29)

Dan Wesson and Colt of course went on to make other 357 magnums with actual model names or numbers.  There is mixed information about Astra.  Some sources say its the only 357 magnum revolver they made and others mention an Astra Cadix which is not quite an exact copy of a Smith & Wesson.

I’ve been talked down to and border line insulted by referring to these guns by their “name” as somebody sneers down their nose. “That’s not the name.  That’s the caliber.”

Various bits of research including summaries and research by other people support that the caliber and the name is the same for these three guns.

Am I mistaken?

Do you know of other guns model named the same as their caliber?



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