MOST People Do Not Value Anything They Didn’t Pay For (New Anecdote & Old Rant)

Below is an old rant worthy of reposting. If you don’t want to read a rant stop when you get to *** RANT MODE ON *** below.

Sometimes people surprise me. A while back an old Yuma Bass Man member (there is no membership anymore) gave me an old trolling motor to do with what I pleased. He even said he didn’t mind if I just fixed it up and sold it. First off thank you. I had originally planned to fix it up and use it on Whisker Seeker (Another Boat Project That May Never Get Finished). Then one day my regular fishing buddy these days had some issues with his trolling motor. They were similar models and I was able to use some parts off of mine to repair his. He kind of gave me the impression he was going to order new parts now that he knew what they were and either give me the new parts or swap in new parts on his and return mine. Either way was fine with me. I didn’t really think about it until I started working on Whisker Seeker again, and I realized I had a trolling motor that needed some repairs, and was now ALSO missing some parts.

A couple days ago I got a call from that fishing buddy asking me if it was a good time to come by and drop off a trolling motor. For a moment I thought he needed another repair, but then he let me know he had bought a new fancy trolling motor for his boat, and he was giving me his old one. It works just fine. Its a little noisy (not horrible), but I am pretty sure I know why. If I’m right its a five minute fix. In any cases I now have a complete set of spare parts, and some combination of the two motors will probably be going on Whisker Seeker. Well, if they have a long enough shaft. Whisker Seeker has a little more freeboard than a regular bass boat.

I get frustrated with people sometimes, but obviously SOME people DO appreciate what you do for them. Even if they didn’t have to pay for it. Thank you.

*** RANT MODE ON ***

You know what? The rant doesn’t matter.


I get frustrated with people sometimes, but obviously SOME people DO appreciate what you do for them. Even if they didn’t have to pay for it. Thank you.

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